Jake Smollett

Smothered Chicken

Jake Smollett
Smothered Chicken


2 lbs chicken wings

6 chicken thighs

1 stalk of celery

6 cloves garlic

1/4 large onion

1/4 serrano pepper

1/2 stick butter

1 TBSP olive oil 

1/2 tsp chili flakes 

1 1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp basil flakes

1/2 tsp pure ground gumbo filé

1/4 tsp white pepper

10 baby bella mushrooms chopped

1/3 cup flour

4 cups free range chicken broth

Handful of fresh oregano 



In a large pan, heat up 1/2 stick of butter with 1 TBSP olive oil. Add in the chopped garlic, celery, onion, and serrano pepper. Let that sauté until it becomes a paste-like consistency. Add the raw chicken to the pan, seasoning it with the salt, basil flakes, chili flakes, gumbo filé and white pepper. Let the chicken fully cook, making sure to create that nice golden-brown glisten. Once the chicken is cooked, remove from the pan and put it aside in a large bowl. Add the mushrooms and 3 cups of chicken broth to the empty pan. The key here is to keep the seasoning left over in the pan from cooking the chicken. Trust me, you'll want all those delicious flavors to mix in with the chicken broth, creating a tasty and time-friendly gravy. Once the chicken broth begins to simmer, mix 1/3 cup of flour and 1 cup of chicken broth in a measuring cup. Stir the mixture until smooth, then add it to the pan; continuously stirring so it doesn’t lump. Once the gravy is smooth and thick, add the cooked chicken back into the pan. Let that simmer for about 20 - 30 minutes, until the chicken is married to the gravy. Let cool before dishing. Serves quite well over mashed potatoes or rice, and is a guaranteed hit for any occasion!